International Contract Webinar: Wellbeing and Contract. Strategic value in an international key. Murcia tourist destination WellBeing.
International Contract Webinar: Wellbeing and Contract. Strategic value in an international key. Murcia tourist destination WellBeing.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Time in Spain: 10:00h – 11:30h
Call for applications : 23/07/20
Celebration : 23/07/20
Schedule : 10:00 – 11:30
Information and contact:
Within the framework of the Contract Sectorial Plan, the Instituto de Fomento is designing different activities for the international positioning of the Region of Murcia and all the agents involved in the value chain of this business channel. On this occasion, INFO invites you to participate in the next on-line seminar “Wellbeing and Contract”- Strategic value in an international key/ Murcia, tourist destination Wellness.
From an international perspective, the comfort and health of people in spaces, known as wellbeing, has been a growing strategic value. The world situation means that decisions and strategies are being accelerated, highlighting the need to evolve towards spaces and projects that are more sensitive to the care and comfort of people, in line with the protection of the environment and the social impact of projects, in line with the outstanding position of the tourism sector in the Region of Murcia.
Having an integrated strategic vision of wellbeing is becoming increasingly necessary in the companies and professionals that make up the contract value chain. As well as the creation of spaces of common interest, with the operator/developer companies of establishments (hotels, restaurants, offices,…) that allow to generate/share knowledge, inspiration and new collaboration opportunities.
Objective: To raise awareness of the strategic importance of wellbeing in the Contract Channel from an international perspective. Creation of spaces of common interest and collaboration between the companies/professionals that form part of the Contract value chain and the operators and developers of establishments that wish to integrate wellbeing into their projects.
Target group: Companies from the housing sector, design, architecture, construction, engineering, and the entire value chain of the Contract Channel. Operators and developers of hotels, restaurants, spas, offices, etc.
Cost: Free
Address: Virtual
10:00h – Welcome by the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia.
Contact Platform of the Region of Murcia. www.contractregiondemurcia.com
10:05h – Presentation of the day within the framework of the Murcia Contract Plan.
David Cámara, Commissioner Contract Plan Murcia Region. Director of UNEX (Business Association of the Habitat, its internationalization and the Contract)
10:10h – The strategic value of wellbeing in Contract projects.
Patricia Fuertes. EMEA Manager (Europe, Middle East and Africa) of Well Services, www.cbre.es
10:40h – Business experience.
Creation of wellbeing and sustainable spaces from the point of view of the architect and designer.
Manuel Clavel. CEO, www.clavel-arquitectos.com
Sustainability strategy and wellbeing solutions in a contract company.
Francisco Orugo. Contract Director, www.ecus.es
11:00h – A view from the wellbeing tourism of Murcia. Creation of areas of common interest with the Murcia Contract Plan.
Regional value of wellbeing tourism in Murcia.
Mamen Martínez. Manager Costa Cálida Cares (Health Tourism Association of the Region of Murcia), www.costacalidacares.com
Business experience
David Rull. Spa Director of Archena and Vice President of the Costa Cálida Cares Association, www.balneariodearchena.com
11:20h Prayers and questions.
Online registration.
You will receive a link to connect to the webinar.
More information: