// Camasofas Ibercan, S.L.

// Upholstered Furniture – Sofa Bed
// Since: 2015

A wide variety of models, sizes, and qualities, guaranteed product quality, and unmatched customer service. We offer design, functionality, and diversification.

We have a commercial network of agents and direct contacts via email and phone. It is important to adapt well to the client’s needs, ensuring product quality and offering prompt service and attention in resolving issues. We are innovative and creative, and we pay special attention to the quality of our product catalog overall.

Featured projects:

Over the past 4 years, we have manufactured sofa beds + chaise compositions for hotels in the Dominican Republic. We have also participated in the installation of tourist accommodation projects in Portugal, and in France, we have installed sofas for hotels.


Sofa bed specialized in the Italian system.


Wood, rubber, fibre, fabric, mechanism, iron, plastic, cardboard

Industrial capacity

Weekly production capacity: 100 units. Technology implemented in manufacturing with code readers tracking production. 


Portugal, France.

Person in charge of the Contract program in the company:

Teofilo Serrano Palao

625 649 314
