The Info reinforces the support to the contract sector to look for alternative sales channels.
The Info reinforces the support to the contract sector to look for alternative sales channels.
The companies of the habitat will have a wide range of actions to reinforce their presence in market niches
The Instituto de Fomento (Info) has begun to strengthen its activities in the attractive contract sector, a channel focused on providing design and decoration solutions in areas such as architecture, interior design, hotel equipment and other spaces for collective use. As part of this line of work, the Mediterranean Contract Forum 2020 will be held in Cartagena on 4 May.
The director of Info, Diego Rodríguez-Linares, pointed out the importance of this type of market niches as an alternative route to the more traditional sales to distributors or large surfaces.
“For furniture companies that may encounter difficulties in their usual markets with the coronavirus crisis, this is an excellent opportunity to explore other paths in a type of market that requires patience and tenacity, but whose results usually have an impact on sales with more margin,” explained the director of the autonomous body.
To bring together the varied offer of the sector with a suggestive and solid image, Info has created the Contract Platform, designed to generate synergies between the various actors involved in this channel (companies in the housing sector, architects, interior designers, promoters and project implementers). The diffusion of this platform has been developed during the last weeks by contacting dozens of potential firms that could be integrated in the promotional structure.
According to Rodríguez-Linares, “many companies, especially in the furniture sector, have been working for years, with notable success, this type of market, both in Spain and internationally. What we now want is to integrate other players into a platform, so that the offer is much more complete, as well as having the added value of architects, designers and stylists. This complementarity offers an important competitive advantage when bidding for large installation projects, from hotels to public establishments”.
So far, around thirty firms from Murcia have decided to join the project. The virtual address of the platform can be found through the link https://play-website.com/INF034/.
For its part, the next celebration of the Mediterranean Contract Forum 2020 aims to serve as a meeting point for professionals to promote innovation and cooperation in the implementation of new projects, in a collaborative and eminently international environment. Registrations can be made through the Instituto de Fomento website.
This and other actions, carried out within the framework of the Foreign Promotion Plan that Info develops with the regional chambers of commerce, also form part of the ‘Contract Plan’, promoted by Info since 2015 to strengthen the sector with joint actions in various European and Latin American markets.