Aid to SMEs for the implementation of e-commerce projects available at our Electronic Headquarters
The maximum eligible cost is 12,000 euros per beneficiary company and its objective is to promote technological innovation in the face of the crisis by the Covid-19
Aid to SMEs in the Region for the implementation of e-commerce projects can be requested at our Electronic Headquarters, once the call for applications has been published today in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia.
This line of aid will be processed by the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia (Info), under the name ‘Cheque TIC Comercio electrónico’, and aims to promote the implementation of technological innovation projects in the face of the consequences of the economic crisis caused by the covid-19.
It has a total budget of 300,000 euros and is aimed at developing projects to create or adapt the company’s website to provide it with e-commerce functionalities, its integration with the rest of the information system and the implementation of analytical tools that allow conclusions to be drawn from the sales made and facilitate decision-making.
They also contemplate the development of specific e-commerce applications for tablets and smartphones, and their interconnection with the company’s internal information system.
It should be noted that the services will be carried out by suppliers accredited by the Instituto de Fomento, who offer regular services to companies in the field of ICTs, and who have personnel with sufficient capacity and experience to carry them out. To this end, a membership procedure has been established, also available at the Electronic Headquarters, which will end, if appropriate, with the accreditation of the supplier entity and its personnel competent to provide such services
The maximum intensity will be 60% in terms of gross grant on the approved eligible expenditure, according to the scale, which assigns a score based on the technical quality of the proposal with aspects such as the degree of innovation of the project to be developed. The methodology foreseen for its development and the adequacy of the project’s budget to the foreseen objectives are also evaluated, as well as the foreseen economic and social impact.
This assessment may be increased by 15 percentage points for projects presented by applicants whose activity falls within the areas of activity contemplated in the Research and Innovation Strategy for the Intelligent Specialisation of the Region of Murcia (RIS3Mur).
This aid for SMEs, whose activity is the object of the project must be located in the Region of Murcia, is 80% co-financed with European Union ERDF funds and must be requested through the Info Electronic Headquarters, www.institutofomentomurcia.es/infodirecto.
Photo by Roberto Cortese on Unsplash